Life coaching, life purpose, certified, empowerment, #motivation

Comminication is a two way street.

I’ve found that no matter how much you are there for someone, there are times when it’s just not enough.

My input was taken the wrong way, my words were twisted.

Feelings are subjective and I know that there is fine line between.

” I just want you to listen, not interject” and “say something but nothing negative”.

The rollercoaster of emotions, trying not to offend.

But the need to be truthful and helpful without doing harm can be challenging.

In the end I must keep it real with some sort of care and tact. My intent is clear, I support you.

#activatedwarrior #bereal #support #lendaear #gratitude #communication #mindset #belief #strength #bosslady
#affirmations #beyou #emotions #transformation #goals #success #positivity #speakyourtruth #support #empowered #beliefs #certifiedlifecoach #empowerment #reiki #online


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